Tracking financing prequalifications to convert more leads: A simple guide to tagging prequal links

Samantha Freedman
October 8, 2024
min read

What is it

Wisetack's prequal links can be tagged with URL parameters. These are short codes that track where your leads come from (website, email, etc.)  

This information gets sent to you in your email along with the lead details,  helping you tailor your follow-up approach, and ultimately improves your chances of converting those leads into customers.  Think of it like color-coding your marketing efforts – it allows you to see which tactics work best.

How it helps

Imagine you get two prequal leads: one from your website homepage and another from an email about a specific service. The lead who came from your homepage is likely just starting their journey, so you might send them a general introduction to your services. But the lead who prequalified through the link in the email is likely already interested in that specific service, so you might follow up with more details.

By understanding the source of the lead, you can craft a more targeted follow-up message.

The payoff

When a customer uses a tagged link to prequalify, you'll get an email with their details, including the source and content information. This helps you personalize your follow-up and increase your chances of turning them into a customer. 

How to tag your prequal link:

If you are already familiar with marketing attribution tools, feel free to use a URL building tool, such as Google’s URL builder, to help create your links. Otherwise, follow the steps below to learn how to create your own unique trackable links.

Step 1: Find your base link

Begin with your original prequalification link. You can find this in the Merchant Portal → Account Settings → Merchant information → Prequal Link. Here's an example:

Step 2: Add the source parameter

To track the location of the link, you can add a "source" parameter at the end of your link. Use the following format:


Replace "LOCATION" with a word or short phrase describing where you'll use this link. For example:

  • website
  • email
  • estimate
  • SMS

Step 3: Combine the Base Link and Source

Add the source parameter to your base link. Here's an example:

Step 4. Add more detail (optional)

For even more specific tracking, you can add a "content" parameter. This helps differentiate between multiple links from the same source. Use this format:


Replace "DETAILS" with additional information. For example:

  • homepage
  • services-page
  • summer-promo
  • follow-up-email
  • appointment-reminder

Step 5: Putting It All Together

Your final link might look like this:

*Note that these parameters (Source, Content) are just guides. You are free to use whatever terminology makes sense for your business, and you can use as many parameters as you’d like. Just make sure to put an ampersand (&) in between each parameter. An example of a completely custom URL could look something like this:

Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

Tips for Success

  • Be Consistent: Use the same naming conventions across all your links for easier tracking.
  • Keep It Simple: Use short, clear terms that you and your team will easily understand.
  • Update Regularly: Create new links for new campaigns or locations to maintain accurate tracking.
  • Track Performance: Monitor which sources generate the most leads and conversions to optimize your marketing efforts.

Examples for different scenarios:

1. Website homepage

2. Email campaign

3. In-person estimate

4. Facebook ad

5. Google search ad

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